Fire Evacuation Plan
If you see fire, smoke or smell something burning:
- Immediately call the Fire Department at 911 and/or activate the fire alarm pull station.
- Call Property Management at 202.467.1400.
- Isolate the fire, if possible, by closing the door.
- Contact the Fire Warden(s) on the floor with the fire and give the location and severity of the fire.
- If directed to evacuate by the fire department or the Property Management Office, or if unsafe conditions warrant leaving the floor, evacuate DOWN to the next re-entry floor by using the fire exit stairs... never use the elevator!
If you think you smell smoke:
- Immediately call Property Management at 202.467.1400.
- Contact the Fire Warden(s) on the floor with the odor and give the location and characteristic of the odor.
If you hear the fire alarm:
- Direct all occupants on the floor in alarm to the fire exit stairs and await further instructions.
- Fire Evacuation Plan/Fire After Working Hours
If you see fire, smell smoke or hear a fire alarm:
- Immediately call the Fire Department at 911 and/or activate the fire alarm pull station.
- Call Property Management at 202.467.1400.
- Isolate the fire, if possible, by closing the door.
- If directed to evacuate by the fire department or the Property Management Office, or if unsafe conditions warrant leaving the floor, evacuate DOWN to the next re-entry floor by using the fire exit stairs...never use the elevator!